June 28, 2010

ants... in my pants

okay, so i hate blogging. clarification: i hate blogging about myself but i do love reading and perusing blogs... many a night has been consumed by YOU and your darling blogs. i've been a bit antsy about our family blog and the lack of commitment i have had with it. for journalism's sake, here is a wrap up.

sam is a complete cutie pie.... CUTE! i love his little boyish voice... He is always full of energy and is NEVER mad or angry, always friendly. such an easy going boy. L-O-V-E his personality! wish i could take a few lessons from him. all about sam:

had crazy-tons of hair... such a little man... i shaved it all off cause SOMEBODY curious decided to take the scissors to his lucious locks...

learned to ride his bike! YAY... such an athletic little guy... both Belle and Sam taught each other.

got a new set of BUNK BEDS for his birthday (maybe i'll post a pic later) ...they are bright blue and remind me of what childhood should be like. it was about time this kid got out of a toddler bed.

is learning like crazy in a new program called KUMON... (a great structured program in which i quite like)!

belle is as cute as a bunny and as sweet as sugar... MOST of the time! she is a good girl! honest and kind and usually quite respectful but when she is ready to HORSE around, there is no stopping this girl...

she LOVES animals. she adores our cat,TODD. in fact, she carries todd around like a baby... EVERYWHERE. poor kitty. if she isn't carrying todd around, she IS the cat... on the ground, licking my legs and putting giant holes in the knees of her pants.

a few more copper FRECKLES have been added this summer to my blue-eyed belle. have i mentioned my love for her freckles? i love em. they are unique and beautiful, just like her. i tell her that i have to kiss each freckle before she goes to bed... that got old FAST.

she has lost so many teeth i can't keep track... but she sure can. she just tapes her baby teeth to her mirror cause the TOOTH FAIRY lets her keep them... nice fairy.

last but not least, family pics have finally rolled out of the stocks' household. we really haven't had a good photo of our family for years and it was about TIME. here are a few more snippets of pics that were taken. if you are interested, my friend KATE took them. she is splendid in all things if you asked me. x0