October 1, 2007


I don't know why but as autumn begins, the days seem slower to me and this is the time of year that I often think so much about my life, my family. Maybe the changing of the trees from greens to bright reds and golds... Maybe the crisp mornings... Maybe, just maybe, I am actually realizing the goodness I DO have in my life. I am finally understanding why children are so innocent and happy... as a child, life is fun to learn from and there is ALWAYS love in there hearts! I was watching Belle putting puzzles together yesterday. She was so beautiful and pure, the way the sun shone through the window and lit her hair up to a sparkling red shade put me in awe of her splendid simplicity. She turned to me and said, "mommy, I am so happy your mine." I feel so lucky...


  1. You have the best posts. You are always so sweet about your kids. They are really lucky to have such a great mom!

  2. So Linds, are you gonna tell us the answers to your questions?!?
