June 28, 2007

Dirt, Smores and Bugs, OH MY!!

Our summer has been filled with all kinds of fun outdoor activities and among our favorites are camping and hiking... this past week we went camping with Jon's family! We had a nice time catching up with family and the kids played from sun-up to sun-down with their cousins... Aside from the dirt (Sam liked to eat it, Belle liked to roll around in it) we made some great memories and snapped a bunch of fun photos!

June 20, 2007

Card Time...

I love making cards! I just find that it helps me relax, express my creativity and have fun! This past week, I made some cards for my in-laws from beatiful pictures that my father-in-law takes on their various trips... I am not the most talented photographer, so I enjoy others photography! Here are a few samples of the photos.

Belle too, has found the love of creating... here are a few more pictures of our cards... I love my Isabelle!

June 7, 2007


Nothing too interesting has really happened to us, so I thought I would share a couple of pictures of the kids I took the other day. If you know my kids, you know that they LOVE hats! Sometimes, I find Sam using all sorts of various items such as lunchboxes, baskets, purses etc. as a hat. I tell ya, they love their hats. I have found that I really enjoy my kids at the simplest of moments...

June 6, 2007

June 5, 2007

Penny Lane and the Snail Bait!

Last fall, we adopted a cute puppy, Penny. Belle is especially fond of this little ewok. She really is a cutie pie (minus the occasional poo eating) but aside from this, she is important to our family! This past week, she chose to eat some snail bait (on accident of course) and ended up at the Pet ER. Wow, I truly think our animals get better medical care than us! Luckily, she has survived this horrific ordeal and is right back at eating her poo! Yay, I think?
Actually, we have found that feeding her an occasional altoid (crazy huh) really stops this... who would have thought that! We love our Penny Lane!