March 20, 2008

Gone With the Tonsil

Today was a day of emotions, two-fold to be exact. One: LOVE- because of how I truly feel when taking care of my sweet little children, especially when they are in pain, thankfully my empathetic self kicks in by pure nature. Two: CRAZY- because of how I feel when taking care of said children (out of love still) but a feeling of absolute craziness for what a tonsillectomy will bring- vomit, whines, more vomit, a whole lot of extra laundry due to vomit, sad eyes and more vomit. I think that poor Sam has thrown up more in 10 minutes than he will the rest of his life. Hopefully the vomit is ending and the healing beginning!

I love my Sammy Bear more than words could ever portray... enough to put up with a years-worth more of vomit! Thankfully this won't be the case.

March 9, 2008

i'm alive

Yes, it has been over a month since I updated my blog, but really nothing super crazily (not a word, i know) interesting, important or downright fabulous has befallen me as of late (I guess the really bad home-hair-dye experience might qualify as interesting but definitely not fabulous...). And, I must preface, i really don't care much about my typos or being grammatically correct these days, so please disregard my illegal use of commas, made up words etc.

I did get a tag from a friend, Candace, and I will definitely follow up with that later in this post, but first off, I thought I would let you in on my night. I just have to say that tonight, while I was getting ready for bed, I made a big mistake. I took my contacts out BEFORE I located my glasses. Mind you, there are several problems with this, first off- (the obvious) I am blind at this point and cannot see 2 inches in front of my face which makes finding said glasses nearly impossible, second- I have THREE pairs of glasses AND still could not locate one pair. After, literally holding my face within inches of every item in my room i finally found a pair: the GIMPY pair which is missing a nose piece and half of the frame (i propped them up by taping them to my face. HOT STUFF hugh... good thing i am already married). So, why do you need to know this, YOU DON"t but i need to vent! This is how much I wanted to blog, even when I cannot see and my GIMP glasses are digging into my nose, i still feel the need to update my peeps. Maybe all of this kookiness is the result of the cold medicine I am on.......

On I go:

All About ME...

Ten Years Ago:

I was at Ricks College, just finishing up my 2 year degree. Living it up with gals at the Baronessa D-5. Good times, good memories! I remember making a lot of pizza's, breadsticks and no-bake cookies, shopping at Porters Craft which was the highlight of my Friday nights and the bloody thumb incident (that is for another post).

Five Places I Have Lived:

1. Palm Harbor, FL
2. Cedar City, UT
3. Las Vegas, NV
4. Aurora, CO
5. Rexburg, ID

Five Things On My To-Do List:

1. Visit my grandparents
2. Do my laundry... it is piling high
3. Research a kindergarten for Belle
4. Look for a new house
5. Research nano-technology (yes, that is what I wrote, I help Jon with his homework!)

I Enjoy:

... Sleeping in until 9 am, a long hot bubble bath, cupcakes, camping, libraries, my computer, shopping for clothes for my kids, looking at real estate, baking, riding bikes with my family, a shortish hike, reading blogs, making cards, playing with my kids, going to a movie with Jon.

Three BAD Habits:

I have soooo many bad habits I really don't know how fair it is to only pick three, but if i have to choose, they would be:

1. picking my zits (in the complete WRONG way, as my husband would put it)
2. talking toooo much and putting my foot in my mouth all of the time (oops, i combined two in one)
3. pulling out all of the dark, coarse hairs out of my head. why do i do this?

Five Things You Might Not Know About Me:

1. I love to sketch out and design clothes
2. I love to sketch out and design homes
3. I have always wanted to work as a fashion designer or for a big fashion mag (surprising yes, considering my being somewhat unstylish in real life)
4. I kissed Jon first
5. I really like playing with my kids toys...

Five Jobs That I Have Had:

1. Caseworker
2. Special Education preschool teacher
3. Worked at a Laundromat
4. Galley cafeteria at Ricks College
5. Private Tutor for an Autistic child

What Will Be Going On In Ten Years:

I will be 40. how wierd is this. Jon will be 39, Belle will be 14 and Sam will be 12 and hopefully, we will have had experienced many a fun trip. I hope that Jon will have graduated at this point, but we can all hope. I would like to be settled into a nice family neighborhood... i'm not picky, anywhere within the United States will do. Who knows, we may be in another state. That would be fun and definitely okay with me. Maybe another child or two. Well see. I guess i am open to whereever the wind blows us!!!