August 23, 2011

The Baby Scoop and a VENT

Well, since I really don't talk much about this baby on the blog... here is a little update with some ramblings on the side.

I am due with baby TRES (as in #3- guess I could have wrote that) in several weeks and am between 35 and 36 weeks as of now. I went to the DR last week and because JUST FOR FUN (ha), my DR checked where I was... EEEEKK. I think he screamed a bit under his breath when he told me that I was 4cm and 80% effaced. I kind of panicked for a second wondering if his measurements are off (hey, maybe is phalanges are really small... or would that be really big???) EWWW. Sorry, that may have been a bit too much! Honestly, I don't know how they measure you, maybe a mini measuring tape!??

Needless to say they don't want me to do much, if anything for another week and half. I am trapped in my house, on my bed or a couch and it is JUST NOT MY CUP OF TEA. I like relaxing, but on MY time! Now the baby blanket that needs a swath of ribbon or lace (from a fabric store that I now dream of perusing the aisles of) will sit there staring at me like a kid in time out. I trust Jon with many things in my life (actually MOST everything) but a couple of yards of lace or ribbon for my blanket is not something I would trust him getting :) Alas... So long, lengthy list of to-do items I needed to finish up before baby.

And to top it off, I have a fabulous group of friends that have put together a brunch to celebrate this baby. They have made the MOST KIND effort to relieve my lonely pregnancy and here I am: stuck. Well guess what world... I am not having this baby until after the brunch. That is pretty much the only thing that I have to look forward to since I can do little much else. So if my water breaks at the brunch, so be it. I trust this baby would want a little excitement while coming into this world, Right?