May 25, 2015


I haven't blogged in years. I find myself with lots of things to talk or write about but really its all just my head swirling with stuff and I never find the time or energy to jot down my thoughts. So many things have happened over the years. Lot of family travels, some small worries here and there, a couple of bigger worries, kids aging and growing, work stuff for me and work stuff for Jon, moments of being scared and some happy stuff too.

I've had a lot to be inspired about lately and other things that could make me question or try to worry about things beyond. But instead I don't usually feel as hopeless as I think I will be. Rather, I end up feeling something opposite like clarity and the desire for improvement (as little as it may be). More posts to come and things to talk about. Just opening the creaky doors of my blog once again. Baby steps. (inspiration from a beautiful friend here)

September 2014- Kauai. Most important people in my life. And is that a churro in Sam's hands??