November 30, 2008

If you have ever wanted to see me sans mascara...

... here is your big fat chance! Jon has wanted to take me skiing for years and on Thanksgiving morn we thought it was as best a time as any! I have never ached in every inch of my body as I do now! OUCH... I fell so many times, I lost track after the first dozen. Jon and I figured that I rolled, tumbled, slid, and toppled down the bunny hill more than actual skiing. I think I may have said a bad word or two... OOPS! Jon was a saint considering my trials with the hill.

November 16, 2008

long time, no see

So as I have sauntered through life this past month, I have actually logged onto my blog, opened up a new post and even scrawled out a few sentences onto my keyboard... but alas, not much really came out. In fact, nothing TOO fascinating or post-worthy has even happened. I guess I could have vented about a few things that have irked me in the last few weeks... but who in the H wants to read about that? I do have to admit, that I am actually excited for the Holidays. This is one thing that has kept me sane. The feeling in the crisp air, homes smelling like pine trees and cinnamon... yummmmm (the cinnamon, part that is). Yep, I am a nerd and I love the happy feelings I have this time of year, so enjoy your friends and family this year, cause I know I will!!!

Here's what you've missed ; )

Sam in a basket...

Belle in her boots...

Spidey, a cheerleader and Dorothy (OH, MY!)