September 29, 2008


1. i have been known to eat only the white stuff out of the oreo and toss the black stuff.

2. sometimes i drink out of the carton of milk... when no one is looking.

3. i take glamour photos of myself... i have a lot. i am not vain. i just discovered the photobooth feature on my mac and can't seem to end an internet session with out posing for a few... they are priceless!

4. i am scared of putting my hair in a pony tail. i hate my neck and pudgy face so i NEVER put my hair up.

5. sorry, but i like weird names like penelope and ernie.

6. i spit. i try to hide it, but i spit all the time. i especially like to spit while i am washing my hands. i just spit, spit, spit-a-roo while i wash away!

your turn... tell me your funny quirks on your blog! it kinda feels good to let it all out!

September 7, 2008

call me crazy...

I know, I know, my blog seems to change like a poopy diaper, but I have always been the type of person that switches things up now and then... so this is my fallish looking blog template (for now). Does anyone out there know of any other great places to get blog templates? Shoot me some ideas if you have any...

September 2, 2008

week in review

*lost camera at bear lake
*did TONZ of kindergarten homework
*made yummy fajitas
*found cat scratches on leather car seats and steering wheel, dashboard and ceiling fabric... stupid me... sunroof was open.
*played a new game: ticket to ride. so fun!
*picked out cabinets. so excited!
*found camera in mysterious place
*scooped poop
*after about a week... i finally shaved my legs. i know, gross.
*painted my toenails
*hung out with good friends
*planned a future vacation
*sung twinkle, twinkle about 20 times in a row